Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I have my piano tuned?

A good rule of thumb is 2 times a year. Since a Piano relies on the wood frame, it is affected by humidity and temperature change. These changes cause a piano to go out of tune.

What are some common issues you find?

The Pinblock is a piece of wood (usually hardwood laminations) that the tuning pins attach to. If the pin block is cracked, then the pins are not secure and the strings will loosen very rapidly. You should check to see if there are any cracks visible on your piano.

Anything you would tell a new piano owner?

Choosing where to place your piano is key (pun intended). Away from direct sunlight and heating vents is preferred as the piano tension is affected by temperature and humidity change.

A tuning should take between 45 minutes to an hour.

Want to schedule a tuning?